The Entrapment of Jesse Snodgrass: He was a friendless high school loner struggling with autism. So why did an undercover cop target him as a drug dealer?
Rolling Stone, March 13, 2014
About a Girl: By the time Coy Mathis was four years old, he knew one thing was for sure: that he wasn’t a boy.
Rolling Stone, November 7, 2013
The Poorest Rich Kids in the World: Why did the heirs to one of the largest fortunes in America grow up horribly neglected and abused?
Rolling Stone, August 15, 2013
The Rape of Petty Officer Blumer: Inside the military’s culture of sexual abuse, denial and cover-up.
Rolling Stone, February 14, 2013
The Plot Against Occupy: How the government turned five stoner misfits into the world’s most hapless terrorist cell.
Rolling Stone, September 13, 2012
The Gangster Princess of Beverly Hills: Heiress, actress, singer, model — Lisette Lee wanted everyone to think she had it all, but beneath the bling were secrets, lies and private jets filled with weed.
Rolling Stone, August 30, 2012
School of Hate: In Michele Bachmann’s home district, evangelicals have been waging war against gay teens. After a rash of suicides, the kids are fighting back.
Rolling Stone, February 16, 2012
The Catholic Church’s Secret Sex-Crime Files: How a scandal in Philadelphia exposed the church’s most-guarded archive — documents that reveal a high-level conspiracy to cover up decades of sexual abuse by Catholic priests.
Rolling Stone, September 15, 2011
The Girl Who Played With Fire: It started online and quickly grew into the most intimate of betrayals. The rise, fall and stubborn survival of Kiki Kannibal, a teenage Internet celebrity who discovered that the real world can be a very scary place.
Rolling Stone, April 28, 2011
“Why I Finally Left”: Like many victims of domestic abuse, Mary Clemons escaped. And then returned — many, many times. A report on just why it can take so long to break free, and what every woman can learn from Mary’s experience.
Good Housekeeping, March 2011
Wide Awake and Under the Knife: Cosmetic surgery that’s cheaper, uses only local anesthesia and lets you control the results: A great deal, right? In reality, the new Awake procedures are a way for barely trained surgeons to profit from dangerous operations no hospital would let them do.
SELF, January 2011
Hackers Gone Wild: The fast times & hard fall of the green hat gang; how three teenage friends, fueled by sex, drugs and illegal code, pulled off the biggest cybercrime of all time.
Rolling Stone, June 10, 2010
The Yoga Cult: How a Korean guru created a fanatical following on college campuses that is part Moonies, part New Age boot camp and pure profit.
Rolling Stone, February 18, 2010
The Stranger Who Saved Me: Anna Robinson beat back cancer with the help of an anonymous bone marrow donation. Then she began to wonder: Who was the woman who gifted her with a second chance?
SELF, December 2009.
The Girl Who Conned the Ivy League: How a high school dropout created the ultimate fake ID, scammed her way into Harvard and Columbia, and became the target of a nationwide manhunt.
Rolling Stone, June 11, 2009.
Sex Lies & Phys Ed: He was a star athlete at Hammonton High. She was the hottest teacher in school. What happens when every boy’s fantasy becomes reality?
Rolling Stone, January 22, 2009.
The Crime Against Women No One Understands:
This man has been charged with rape 10 times but never
convicted of that crime. This story is a warning to all women.
SELF, November 2008.
The Fabulous Fraudulent Life of Jocelyn & Ed: They took
the ultimate criminal joy ride - two college-aged kids on a
nonstop jet-set scam to flaunt their outlaw romance all over
the world. Rolling Stone, March 20, 2008.
The Weight Loss Miracle That Isn’t: New evidence of the
health benefits of gastric-bypass surgery has doctors eager to
recommend it. But some people say the risks are being
greatly underplayed. Read the scary truth about a growing
SELF, August 2008.
Is Your Doctor Playing Judge?: New laws give physicians
and hospitals the right to deny women the best care, even in
emergencies. Why your health could be at risk.
SELF, June 2007.
Breast Cancer in the Family: These cousins share a scary
history, but they made opposite choices. How far would you
go to lower your risk? SELF, March 2007.
Shooting Up in Suburbia: Over the past decade, an influx
of pure heroin into Philadelphia has turned on some users:
suburban middle-class moms. Philadelphia, March 2006
They Said the Baby Was Fine. He Wasn’t.: Cutting-edge
prenatal gene tests now give parents a chance to detect birth
defects in time to end a troubled pregnancy. But what can
families do when a child’s clean bill of health turns out to be
tragically wrong? The heartbreaking and hugely controversial
step one mother decided to take. SELF, October 2005.
Juicers in Blue: Forget ballplayers. A worse steroid scandal
is brewing: Cops who want an edge against the perps, but
who become criminals in the process.
Men’s Health, October 2005.
The Paperless Chase: Raging against the electronic voting
machine. Mother Jones, May/June 2004.
Yes, You Can Save Women’s Lives: Around the world,
women are dying because they can’t get basic health care—
a Pap smear, a condom, a safe place to give birth. Hopeless?
Actually, you can help. Glamour, April 2004.
Who is the Boy in the Box? In 1957, a young boy was
discovered dead in the woods in Fox Chase, his head poking
from a cardboard box. It would become Philly’s most famous
and baffling unsolved murder. Forty-six years later, long-
retired investigator Bill Kelly is still on a quest for answers.
Philadelphia, November 2003.
The Creep with the Golden Tongue: Mastermind criminal
and con man Steve Comisar has cheated chumps out of an
estimated $10 million, earning the title “the Jeffrey Dahmer of
fraud.” Clearly, this man knows a few things about human
nature and how to exploit it. So listen up. You could learn a lot
from a snake like this. GQ, August 2003.
Real Girls Who Get Stalked: Celebrities aren’t the only ones
who are terrorized by unwelcome—and often unrelenting—admirers.
Cosmo talks to several women whose tales of being
pursued are so hair-raising, they rival any Hollywood thriller.
Cosmopolitan, April 2003.
Get your Gas Masks Here: Department of Preparation.
The New Yorker, October 15, 2001.
Murder in Paradise? Last May, 29-year old Claudia
Kirschoch vanished from a Jamaican resort. All she left
behind were questions: What happened to her and why
can’t anyone-the local police, her parents, the FBI—
find out?
Cosmopolitan, February 2001.
Anthrax on Broad Street? A team of government agents is
preparing for the unthinkable: What if bioterrorists attack the
Republican National Convention? Philadelphia, July 2000.
The Crash: For years, Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky’s friends wondered how she could balance a national political career and 11 kids while husband Ed trotted around the globe making deals. Since they've declared bankruptcy, those same friends are wondering how they could have ignored the obvious... and whether they’ll get their money back. Philadelphia, May 2000.
Fit to Be Tied: Sometimes, muscling out of a Bally’s gym
membership is the toughest workout of all.
Philadelphia, January 2000.
America’s Most Wanted? After 12 years running an
underground network for battered women and children,
avenging angel Faye Yager was seemingly unstoppable.
Then she suddenly closed up shop. Find out what happened
when one of the country’s most fearless women finally met
her match. Harper’s Bazaar, November 1999.
Rebecca Rimel Doesn’t Give Anything Away: The smiling
sphinx at the helm of Pew Charitable Trusts seems to become
less knowable as her philanthropic power grows.
Philadelphia, November 1999.
I’ll be Damned: Vacuum cleaner salesman-turned-cult leader
Stewart Traill-whose followers recruit your kids on South
Street-says I’m in big trouble. But those fleeing his “church”
have bet his souls they’re wrong. Philadelphia, June 1999.
Wife, Mother, Madam: She’s a 34-year old Main Line mom
with a Ford Explorer, a lovely home and perfect nails—and for
$350 an hour, she’ll give your husband what he wants.
Philadelphia, November 1998.
Generation Rx: We tell our kids drugs are bad, then start
prescribing Prozac for nine-year olds. The trend creates huge
opportunities for Children’s Hospital and local pharmaceutical
giants. Is it a cop-out? Or a lifesaver?
Philadelphia, December 1997.
Murder, He Sculpted: When cases go “cold,” the call goes
to Frank Bender and the ace crime solvers of the Vidocq
Society. Philadelphia, October 1997.
How Do I Know You’re Not a Cop? The drug dealer
wannabe out of Friends Select, the FBI superhero, the snaky
snitch. It was a routine setup. Then something went terribly,
terribly wrong. Philadelphia, October 1996.
Intimate Intimidation: When the gynecologist touched her
like that, she knew it was wrong, but she didn’t know what to
do. And she didn’t know the same thing had happened many
times before. Philadelphia, April 1996.